干货 | 企业参加国际展会问题及对策(下)
来源:新天会展 发布时间:2024-10-23 10:38:01 阅读:232 次无论从事什么行业,国际展会,是外贸活动必不可少的一个环节。
想起当初是外贸新手,第一次去会展的时候,客人问的问题真是“千奇百怪”,神马都有!很多时候自己只会答“YES” , “NO”, “Oh, yes no !”别的就不会说了。
至于细节,还得具体问题具体对待哈。不足之处,请各位大大见谅。 在回答这类常见的“胡乱拉砍”问题的时候,更多的不是靠对产品的了解,而是自己个人的应对能力,以及表达技巧,如何能答得好,在一两分钟之内吸引住客人,那么,后面的商谈就会变的更加顺利了。
4、Quality of B company is much better than yours.(B公司的产品质量比你们好很多)
Yeah,dear buyer. Comparably.
For the quality, our quality is also good, it pass the strict ISO identification with it’s stable performance. It’s quite excellent compare with the average level in today world market.
And as you know, except the quality,the price is also very important when you compete to seize the market. For our product, the price is really competitive than other else.
In order to have a better propaganda effect and further cooperation, we’ll give you the rock button price to ensure your benefit. I am sure you will be appreciated for it.
What’s more, our professional R&D team and service team and provide the integrated service through the whole business, which can put you in the best position to size the market.
We promise, you can enjoy not only the excellent quality, but also the preferential price and integrated service in our company.
5、You are not professional, Where is your manager or boss?(你不专业,你的老板或经理在哪里)
Sorry to have kept you not understand. Maybe I didn’t express it well just now, please let me explain it to you again clearly.I do really hope to solve it for you.
No need,I don’t think you are professional enough.
Dear sir/madam, I’ve been trained with details of the product,may I know which point you are confused and I will try my best to make it clear to you in a effective way in order to save your time.
No, your title is not enough to solve my problem, ask your manager to come.
Dear sir/madam, I do hope to solve your inquire as I am a senior staff in our company.
May I kindly know your request and try to help you fit it first? If I can not work it out, I will ask my superior for help.
我相信,只要你表现出足够的真诚,热心,和渴望为客人解决问题的责任. 客户会再给你机会的,当然,如果自己真的很烂,就不要再浪费客人时间了,快叫帮手吧!
6、I found the same product as yours at another booth, are you copying their product?(我在另一个摊位上发现了和你相同的产品,你是在抄袭他们的产品吗)
Oh? Really? Dear sir/madam, as a STB, maybe the appearances are similar, but infact they are definitely different. And we sure our product is more better.
In our company, we has a professional R&D team which can provide you the most suitable and innovative solution with the stable performance.
Except that, we can also help to design a unique appearance for you, if you want to make a special expression to your client, it is customized. I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with it.
And in order to ensure your benefit,our quantity and price are both quite competitive.
In addition with our integrated service and short team lead time, we sure our product is more better than the one you saw just now.
7、You said you could finish the product in 2, why I can’t have one sample even now in 3?(你说你可以在2分钟内完成产品,为什么我现在不能在3分钟内拿到一个样品?)
Dear sir/madam, sorry to make you not convenient, we need to apologize first.
Actually, We already have the product ready for you in 2 to meet your request, but our R&D team just launch out a new arrangement in software aspect to make the system run more stably.
In order to help you upgrade to this new arrangement, we delay to deliver. Really sorry about it .
But we promise, we will deliver the product to you next week, and we sure the product will be more better than you expect before .
Hereby, we apologize again and guarantee it will not be happened again.
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